Greennebula Wikia

Welcome to the Green Nebula Wiki[]

Hello there and welcome to my wiki! My name is Green, the creator Green Nebula is a wiki dedicated to the crafting of rule sets for an upcoming video game (see below for possible titles for the game). Other topics related to this particular video game can be found here as well (Procedural Generation, Shaders, Graphics API's, and so on). If you wish to contact me, the creator and designer, you can reach me at Everything else can be found on the Navigation Page Here

New Here?[]

If this is your first time here you might want to consider starting on the Overview Page Here. I guide you through what this wiki is about, how to navigate it, and how this wiki approaches the design of a very complex video game.

Current state of the title of the game[]

The game doesn't currently have an official name. However, I've come up with a few names that are potential candidates. In no particular order:

  • The Creators
  • Requiem